Where does the marketing data come from?

Did you know that internet users have a digital fingerprint?

This fingerprint enables you to find target audiences that match certain aspects of that fingerprint. 

You may have seen this protocol in your browser bar 

When your computer requests a webpage or any file online, 

Your computer responds, and wow, does it respond. 

Website owners could see what people were doing on their websites, how they found the website, how many pages they viewed, and how long they stayed on the site. Cookies enabled users to create accounts, maintain their preferences, and owners could track return visits by those visitors with the ability of powerful databases that could keep and constantly update millions of records, third parties accessed this data protocol through online trackers, cookies, and advertising systems. The results are massive databases that record all what people do online and all the websites they visit. This little protocol created in 1989 to allow the exchange of documents is the building block of this $70 billion a year industry. If you want to see the fingerprint in action, I recommend that you go to https://amiunique.org/ and see how unique your browser fingerprint is. And look at some of the data that can be collected from your browser. All this information collected from this protocol are targetable factors in online advertising


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